Electronic Commerce - Western Payment Processing Solution

Western has an established contract with a payment gateway to ensure that electronic commerce (eCommerce) transactions are protected and compliant with the PCI DSS.  The payment gateway delivers a secure interface for your website to accept credit card payments with real time transaction processing.  WTS will provide assistance to connect your eCommerce store to the payment gateway.  This is the most straightforward and preferred path to implementing an eCommerce solution.

Working with WTS will provide flexibility in development and hosting the eCommerce system, including:
  • Application development;
  • Payment processing architecture;
  • Application hosting;
  • Server hosting.

 If an WTS option is not suitable for your processing needs, Western’s bank card requirements must still be met (please refer to Third Party Solutions.)

 Once approved, the Merchant must:

  • Work through the Western eCommerce Team to determine the best solution WTS can deploy to service your eCommerce needs;
  • Budget for annual and transaction based fees;
  • Provide Financial Services - Banking the information necessary to submit the Payment Gateway Merchant Information forms for the new storefront.  This includes the setup of new Merchant Accounts and informing the appropriate users of account and password information;
  • Report any changes in their payment applications and/or bank card processes that would affect Western's PCI environment to the Bank Card Committee;
  • Remain compliant with the most current version of the PCI DSS, Merchant Agreement and Card Brand Rules and Regulations.